If you don't have an SK Precept Account and would like to join our Inductive Bible Study Group, you must first Create an SK Precept Account (below) and login. Once your Account is created and your Personal Profile is validated, you will be able to sign up for the current SK Precept class.
For information on our Class Format & Requirements, click here.
Already have an account? Click here to login
Already have an account but forgot your username? Click here to request it
Already have an account but forgot your password? Click here to reset it
Terms of Joining
I understand that, for each class I enroll in, I will need to purchase a class workbook and attend weekly discussion groups.
Inductive study revolves around discussion groups. Participation in the discussion group is required and will give you access to the class lectures and other pertinent information and links. Because the discussion group leaders take attendance, if you need to miss a discussion group meeting, please email your discussion group leader(s) to let them know. We are asking that you commit to attending at least 70% of the weekly discussion groups.
I understand that I am not to share the class lecture videos with those who are not currently participating in a class discussion group.
I understand that there are administrative costs to holding this bible study; therefore, I agree to help cover these costs with a registration fee per class I enroll in.
I agree to let this system email me.